Believe it or not, this is a happy face. he was climbing inside of an ottoman we use for blankets. He would close the lid and talk to himself in there. It was pretty funny. As you can see, bedtime gets pretty crazy.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A picture is worth a tousand words... hopefully
Sorry for not posting for so long. Azimuth is a big three year old and I am typing this onehanded while helping him play an elmo game (so much for keeping him from brand names). For now I will post a picture and update a little more later.

Believe it or not, this is a happy face. he was climbing inside of an ottoman we use for blankets. He would close the lid and talk to himself in there. It was pretty funny. As you can see, bedtime gets pretty crazy.
Believe it or not, this is a happy face. he was climbing inside of an ottoman we use for blankets. He would close the lid and talk to himself in there. It was pretty funny. As you can see, bedtime gets pretty crazy.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Just Playing Around
This is a picture of him standing up with the shirt, but I took the picture right as he was falling. He is alright at standing and has taken a few hesitant steps.
And one more shirt picture, because I love the novelty of it.
Some Happy face pictures to finish off the post.
Azimuth is working on talking. His favorite words to say are "Today" and "Tickle Tickle Tickle". He is also learning signs. He signs 'more' and 'done', though I don't know if there is a connection for him with the meaning and the word. He is a lover of books. It seems he is always abusing a cardboard book in his free time. And he loves the beautiful picture Great Auntie knitted him. It makes him laugh. Maybe I will get a pic of that later. For now, that concludes our blog post.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Meeting the New Landlord
So today we met our new landlords. Our previous landlord died around Christmas and his daughter inherited the property. Apparently the city does not supply water to dead people and we were without water for a couple of days. We survived and even got some dishes done before we put the water into our name, which means we get free laundry now. The new landlord got in touch with us and was very apologetic.
The landlords came by to install the non coin operated machines and Azimuth got to play with his new friend Nathan. Apparently our landlord's daughter is our age and has a baby boy who is one month older than Azimuth. He was standing and walking and saying some words and putting things in things. But Azimuth was much better at sharing. It was funny to watch them fight over pacifiers before we took them away.
We may be able to move into the apartment upstairs. It is much bigger and lets in more natural light. They would also let us pay the same amount of rent which is a bargain and there are plenty of places on the walls to hang up cupboards and put up shelves. I even have permission to put up cupboards if we move in. This would be a great place to raise Azimuth until we can move far far away from Casper.
Enough words. Time for pictures. Great Authie sent out this wonderful warm snowsuit some time ago and he looks so adorable in it. He is just too cute.
Here he is eating some roast beef. He doesn't look too interested but he was loving it before I took the picture. You know how they are. :)
And here he is drinking a capri-sun or the store brand equivalent. It is pretty much the only juice he really likes. He will tolerate white grape and apple if we water it down though. And that is a grilled cheese he is mutilating.
We were surprised to discover that one of Azimuth's most favorite foods is onions. We thought we would try to give him an onion just to see him spit it out, but he ate it all up. He also loves french fried onions, but we try not to give him to much of those. And sweet potatoes are another favorite. He developed a taste for applesauce, which he used to hate.
Well, I have wasted enough of your time talking about food. I hope you are getting better Great Grandma Jan.
Until next time.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year Everybody
We had a great New Year. Azimuth didn't stay up, but momma and daddy got to catch up with their neighbors. And we got to stay up late and had a nice time, just being together. We miss our Australian family and hope that they are doing well. Casper is really dull without you all here.
There have been so many developments since last year. Azimuth was just a little purple worm. So different from the crazy wiggly man we have in our house today. He has three teeth and is trying hard to walk. But that boy can sure climb.
Happy New Year all, I hope you have all had a great year and will have many more to come. :)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Learning Everyday
Azimuth can now say "Tickle tickle tickle" pretty reliably. He also knows how to say "Guzzle guzzle guzzle". The sound kind of similar. When we say "Hands up, spaghetti-up" he puts his arms up so we can put his tray on the high chair.
He is also learning to use sippies instead of bottles and he eats a ton when he gets hungry. We are so glad to have such a well mannered child. I hope everyone out there is going to have a very happy New Year. Any good resolutions?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I have not been the best blogger lately. We have all been keeping very busy and just returned from spending a week at my mom's house. What fun! And now a picturie journey of our time since school ended.
We spent some time in the library. Here is Azimuth in the cool loft they have there. He loves to climb the stairs and is eager to learn to climb back down. Sadly, he will not be able to go to storytime for a while because it is impossible for him to sit still, but we will still have our library time.
Here we are at my school. The whole family got to spend some time outside before it got so dreadfully cold. I really should have cropped out my shadow.
Here is Azimuth at my mom's house wearing a new hat. The big brown dog is named Muddy. The dogs all love to be in the pictures.
While we were in Billings there was a fire at an oil refinery. You could see the smoke from so far away. We got pictures. While we were at my mom's work there was an announcement that the coker had caught on fire. It was quite an exciting Christmas Eve. There was even insulation falling from the sky, but I never got a good picture.
Look what we found at my mom's work! We just had to bring him home. Luckily there were lots of clothes and presents waiting for this little guy.
Here is Azimuth just hanging out on his tigger ridey toy. His Great Grandma Doze got him this toy. Can you see the dog in this picture?
We took Azimuth to the mall and I couldn't resist putting him on one of those mechanical thingies. He wasn't so sure about the whole thing. Oh well, maybe when he is older.
Here is Gramma Sue's Christmas tree. Doesn't it just look lovely. There were more presents on Christmas day, but Gramma was worried her cat would try to unwrap them if we put them out too early.
I can't believe I didn't get any pictures on Christmas day. I was soo busy. This is the only one I got in the morning. Poor Gramma Sue, even her grown up children can't sleep on Christmas Eve. Azimuth thought it would be grand to get up at 5am and his uncles were both there to greet him and his restless mom.
Here is THE present. I am excited this is finally finished. I started this project when I was four months pregnant because I thought I should try a big project. It is green because I didn't even know whether he was a boy or girl when I started. Grammy bought the supplies at our local yarn shop. Thank you Grammy. I wish you were here to see how perfectly it fits. It just needs a button. Now I will be off to try something new.
I hope everyone has had a good holiday season. Keep us informed about how the rest of the world is doing. And for now, I say, Good Day.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The beauty of words
Azimuth is not excited about learning words. After all, you do not need words to sing and dance. Which are two of his favorite things.
Another of his favorite things also happens to have been his first word: kitty (pronounced eeykdee). He has dabbled in the words mumumumuh and dadadadah, but today we were watching his other favorite thing and he attempted to say 'kite' (aayite).
So here is a video to share with you all on behalf of Azimuth, because words just can't capture the beauty...
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