Friday, March 27, 2009

Early Pictures

So, since everyone is asleep, I thought I would post some old pictures. These are from Azimuth was first born. I hope you enjoy.Here I am, waiting for Azimuth to meet us.

Here is the new baby.

And here is the new mom.

And here is momma and baby together. It is hard to believe he used to be too small for that dinosaur outfit. Now he is too big.

And a couple diaper changing pictures.

Here he is, gathering some minions.

And here is his first tub bath. Doesn't he look so happy? Momma is really nervous.

We are ready for our first Thanksgiving together. Could you believe Hometown Buffet didn't have cranberries?

This was our favorite onesie. There is the first photo of his "crazy eyes".

Wait a minute. What is that cat doing?

Here is a blurry close up of the elf ear.

And the rest are some random pictures from our last four months.

Well, I hope you enjoyed all these pictures. It is insane how small he was. I am so glad we have him. He is such a great little guy. He loves to look out the window and has started to notice the cats. He doesn't grab them though. What a smart baby. :) They grow up so fast.

More Room

Yay, there is more room on the camera. To celebrate, I will post a couple new pictures of Azimuth.

Here he is with Daddy's old bear.

Where'd the baby go?

I hope you all enjoyed that. I will definitely be posting more pictures now. Also, Azimuth learned to blow raspberries so he has been doing that a lot lately.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Old Stuff

Hello everyone. I was looking through some old papers and I found our wedding pictures on cd. I thought I would post them here. Thank you everyone who attended. I hope you all had a great time. And without further ado, I give you our wedding:

Here is the man of the hour. Looking sharp in his suit.
And here is a picture of the happy couple. The flowers are from my Grandma Doze's garden.

Here is the ceremony. The minister was a Unitarian Universalist. He did a great job.

Here is a different angle of the ceremony. You can see our ring bearer, Nathaniel and our flower girl, Lily.

Here is the cake being cut. It was delicious.

What would a wedding be without a pinata?

And here is our friend Bean!. He came all the way from California to see us. I was so glad he could make it.

Here is a picture of us and our parents. (From the left: Tony, Sue, Laura, Shawn, Tamara, and Greg.)

Here is my whole family. (From the left: Ben, Tony, Barb, Laura, Susan, Shawn, Marion, and Thom.)

Here is Shawn's family. (From the left: Courtney, Sandra, Monica, Gary, Bean, Laura, Nathaniel, Shawn, Tamara, Greg, Jan, Ray, Front: Troy, Ruby, Cynthia, Julia, Lily.)

I hope you enjoy the pictures. I was so glad to find them. Hopefully we can get more room on our camera soon so that we can get more pictures up soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Momma's Update

Today I got a letter in the mail saying I am invited to join veritas honors institute at Casper College. I don't know if I should join. It sounds like some kid of cult to me. But unlike those jerks at Phi Theta Kappa, I can afford this!!! So I will probably join. Here is a link to college site:

Also, I will be attending the Legal Assistants of Wyoming (LAW) conference on April. We will also be holding a chili fundraiser in April for Criminal Justice Club. I might have to miss the Criminal Justice field trip to Denver in order to attend the conference.

Also, I lost my calender/day planner, so maybe I will get a new one for my birthday. On my birthday, I get to register for classes, and I have a ton of homework due. But I will have a cake at the very least.

Azimuth is growing so big. We need to make more room on our camera to take pictures, so there are none for right now. He is now ticklish, and I don't think he likes it. Everyone has complimented on his good head control. However, he is opposed to rolling over. He HATES tummy time. But he loves to talk, and grouches in his car seat.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Madness

Azimuth got the first bump on his head today. He calmed down right afterward. There is a picture below. Can you see the little red spot right above his eye? He had a bath afterward.

I also would like to share that I have been offered a work study job by the program director of the paralegal program. So I must be doing pretty well.


So today there will be no going to the park. The world is covered in snow. You can't see more than a couple feet away and it is almost impossible drive. When I got to school I found out it was closed. Here is a photo of what it looks like through our front door. 

When it was nice we had gone to Walmart to get some food. The Westside Walmart has the coolest shopping cart. Here is Azimuth hanging out with us. He was having a great time earlier. But in this photo he wants to go home. Luckily, we are at the checkout aisle.

Here we are loading groceries into the car. Azimuth is digging on his little shoes.

And in other news, Azimuth is learning to use his hands more. Here he is using two hands on the same object. He also grabbed it all by himself this morning and he has been getting things into his mouth a bit better.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Haven't posted in a while, so...

Sorry for the wait. This week was full of the 'legal education' portion of this blog. I have been trying to catchup in my self-paced class, and have been getting back into the swing of things after spring break. Now, onto the update of Azimuth and his adventures.

Here he is in his adorable lion suit. Thanks to his Great Aunt for all the lovely stylish clothes. We have such a sharply dressed baby.

We have been taking Azimuth out for walks quite a bit lately. No better way to unwind after school.

What on earth is this worm like thing?

It is a baby, staying out of the sun. He is sleepy, but has a problem with going to sleep when he needs to.

Here he is laying in a park during one of our walks. See the cool grate in the back ground?

Here we are on the way back from our walk. See the 'baby leash' on the right side of the carriage. Hasn't failed on us yet.

Here we are on the corner of our street. About to go on a long walk. These photos are certainly not in chronological order.

And here is Azimuth, waiting for the parents to finish eating. You can't see it, but we are in McDonald's. You can glimpse the tables in the corners of the frame.

Azimuth is impatiently waiting for us to go home so he can nap.

Here are some random shots from throughout week. Right now he is napping. But here he is, playing in his crib. He was really making that diaper wipe box move around. He has lots of upper arm strength. Not so good on the coordination though.

We got really hungry one day. Hmm... what should we make?

Here is Azimuth relaxing while mamma travels around the world wide web.

Azimuth loves to watch cars, so I got a picture of his favorite corner. However, it didn't turn out well, because it was night.

And here he is getting a bath. See how modest he is? He usually has more fun, but he is very camera-aware.

I hope you enjoyed this week in our household. We sure did, but enjoying such wonderful weather can be very tiring. We will need to rest before any homework gets done.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grandma Sue Visits!!!

Azimuth was very excited this morning because Grandma Sue was coming over. He woke up early but had a nice long nap to give his parents some rest.

Azimuth was so happy to meet with his Grandma. She traveled all the way from Billings to see him. Azimuth loves to meet new people, and Grandma was amazed at how big he has gotten.

Uncle Thom also came with Grandma. This is the first time Thom and Azimuth have seen each other since shortly after he was born.

Here we are walking in the park. Azimuth is riding on daddy's shoulders for the off-road part of the journey.

Then Azimuth found a junkyard. He has a sharp eye for a baby.

Check out his awesome bike. Can you believe someone left it here?

Doesn't that chair look comfy?

And Uncle Thom found a new door for his car. What a find!

Of course, what would a walk be without the appropriate eyewear?

Look what we found!!! We get to take him home. Finders Keepers.

Here is the elusive smile. Well worth the wait. Grandma Sue is the best at getting him to smile.

And here is a family photo. We are all worn out after such a great day. Time for a nap.