I have connected my video camera to my computer. To celebrate I have uploaded a video. This is my first video, so it may not be great. I hope you like it anyway.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Long Update
I have not posted in a while so I thought I would post a bunch of pictures that have piled up on my camera. We have been keeping busy helping Shawn's parents move out of their house and getting our house cleaned up. So here are the pictures.
Here is a picture of Azimuth sleeping. Doesn't he look just look like an angel.
Here is Zaza hanging out on the bed in one of Great Aunties outfits. Please ignore the mess.
We had a house guest for a while. This is a little dog we called bug-eyes. We later learned his name was Reese's Pieces. He was so noisy all night long. Little dogs have some crazy loud toe nails and take a million little steps.
Here are a couple of food eating pics. The first one is yogurt and the second is more avocado.
This picture is for Uncle Thom. See the little guitars on it. Sorry, I forgot to rotate the picture.
Here is Azimuth playing with his food cup and spoon. I turned around and he had it up to his mouth like he wanted to eat from it. Cute. He wants to drink from cups, but doesn't know what to do with them.
Here is another picture that I forgot to rotate. He was trying to have some fake hair.
Here is Azimuth and Granny.
Azimuth was helping out at the garage sale. Some people were startled because they thought there were puppies in the box.
Here is another box picture. Grandma Sue is blowing bubbles. He is not sure what to think about them.
A picture of Azimuth and Grandma Sue. How do you like the hat?
And here is Azimuth and his new bouncy swing. He loves this thing.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures. There might be a slow down in posting over the summer. But we will have lots events and pictures to post. We will be going to two family reunions so the posts will be big. Have a great summer.
Baby v. Animal Crackers
Azimuth is getting bigger. We decided to try his first not mashy food. Animal crackers were the thing on hand. And so it begins. He looks a bit concerned at the beginning, but he did such a great job.
His first cookie. He is a bit nervous.
The best way to eat animal crackers is to suck on them until they get soggy. Yummy
Now he is getting the hang of it. He still doesn't realize he can pick them up. Hitting them is much more fun.
And he gets a little help.
It was so much fun to feed him some crackers. He didn't get a lot into his stomach, but he loved the new challenge. He is growing up so fast.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Denver Trip
I wanted to post and tell everyone about our trip to Denver, CO. We had to go see a baby neurologist because Azimuth had a seizure awhile back, but he is okay. The doctor says he is developing on time and the seizure was unrelated to the abnormality on his MRI. We got to go to the zoo, so here are a ton of pictures.
Here is a picture of Denver from our hotel window. You can see Six Flags, but it was closed. Some of the rides were being tested though.
Here was a cool building we saw on our journey around the city. The red stuff on the windows is made of bricks.
Here is Azimuth waking up in the morning. He didn't want to sleep, so he was very sleepy all day long. The hotel room must have been too exciting.
Here are Shawn and Azimuth, ready to go into the zoo.
The geese were very creative about where they made their nests. This one was right next to the path. People were not even a foot away from it and didn't even see it. The poor thing was a nervous wreck though. It was fun to walk around and find where the geese had tucked their nests. We even saw some egg shells and some goslings.
Here are some goslings. They looked green in person. The momma goose is chasing off another goose. I am not sure why they were fighting, but that is as close as I wanted to get. Geese are mean animals.
There were tons of peacocks all over the place. I did not see that many peahens though.
Here is a little crazy rodent thing. I think it is an elephant shrew.
I have no idea what this thing is called, but it thought those leaves were delicious. It has stripes on it's butt and looks like a mix between a giraffe an a zebra. These things were awesome.
Azimuth is posing with a snake. He looks so scared, but he didn't realize the snake was there. He is just hot and tired.
And here he is, looking super cool in his new hat. We had to get him one from the zoo shop because we forgot to bring his other hat.
I hope you enjoyed our pictures. There will be more on Azimuth's facebook. Let me know what you think. I apologize if anyone worried too much about Azimuth, he is fine and very happy. He tried some carrots today and he thought those were great but we don't have any pictures of him eating them.
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