I hope the world hasn't deteriorated too much from my severe lack of posting. lol I have started school again and will now be able to make regular updates. So first we went to the family reunion in Kansas, where we said good bye to Shawn's parents. We miss them a lot. But we are doing well on our own. I hope you guys are enjoying Australia.
Here is Azimuth relaxing in a saucer and being very excited over his new toy.

While in Kansas we went to a swamp and walked around. Here are some bugs we saw.
That swamp also had ticks, and what we assume was Lyme's disease. But I am all better now, and the only symptom I experienced was the bulls eye rash.
More pictures from the swamp.
And pictures of family. The baby's look a bit distracted.

Here is Azimuth looking at some lions in the Kansas City Zoo (which isn't in Kansas).

The cousins got to play together. Unfortunately, Hayden has such pretty hair that was so great for pulling.

On the way home we saw a Winery and Gas Station. I can't imagine what wonderful wines you might find at such a place.
Shortly after we got home from Kansas we went to Billings for another family reunion. Azimuth got a chance to practice his eating at my mom's house.
Then we went to the Beartooth Mountains and were attacked by chipmunks.
Then we climbed this hill, which we named Marmot Mountain.
And here is a picture from our family reunion.
That is all for now.