Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For Anyone Thinking About Birthday/Christmas Presents

Garanimals has released a new line of toys marketed at infants. These are available at Walmart. I was amazed at the cheap prices and solid construction. A lot of them are made of wood and I have not found any that are battery operated. :)

Azimuth does not know it, but he already has a small wire toy and a stacking ring toy. Please don't tell him and ruin the surprise. ;) Azimuth could really use a peg board and shape sorting toys. Also nesting things are good.

These are just a few ideas. Anything else you want to get him would be fine. Excluding guns and choking things. This kid loves board puzzles and momma likes him to have books. He wouldn't know if you got him hats, socks, bibs, or the like.

In future I will post more ideas as they come to me. Thank you for reading this.

1 comment:

  1. There goes the gun and bullet set I was going to get him!

    what's azimuth going to be for halloween??
